The cast of the popular animated series Age of Z has been receiving rave reviews from viewers worldwide. Based on the successful Japanese manga series of the same title, Age of Z revolves around a world where humans have left an imprint of themselves on the earth’s surface. The humans of this world call themselves the Zords and live in harmony with other race members called the Corrupters. When the existence of the Zords was discovered, they brought order to the face of the planet. In the present day, a war is going on between these two factions to control the whole planet.
As if that isn’t enough to keep players interested in this exciting game
countless features make this game worth playing. If you have seen the game’s preview, you would know that its story is just as exciting as it is fun. You can explore the different parts of the Zorgs homeland, ranging from the wastelands to the skyscrapers. However, your ultimate goal in the Age of Z Origins is to find and recruit the Corrupters to join your cause in your cause. After all, without them, everything will come to a standstill.
Although there are eight levels in the game, the true challenge comes from the final level. It takes you down into the trenches of a battlefield. There are obstacles to overcome as well as a variety of weapons to use. The real thrill is in these combat scenes, where your instinct becomes very useful in making you survive the Corrupters’ attacks.
Many features differentiate this game from its competitors
This is the first MMORPG that utilizes cloud computing technology. This allows the game to save the game data for several computers to access the same game simultaneously. It is also a huge leap forward in terms of graphics and other game systems as well.
Aside from cloud computing technology, the game also allows users to play without having to download anything. Unlike most MMORPGs, you don’t have to install any software or patch the game to play it in the Age of Z Origins. The game is ready to play when you log in. In most other games, players need to download lots of files and then install them. This process can take days, if not longer.
Age of Z Origins takes a lot of factors
into consideration to ensure that the game is fun for the players. The seamless world design is one. Each zone design meticulously, taking into consideration the type of terrain you’ll be moving through. For example, there are different terrains in ZOC, and players are encouraged to move between them carefully to avoid getting stuck.
Another thing that takes care of the smoothness of the gameplay is the questing system. Quests are no longer delivered in chunks but are crafted in a manner that’s both engaging and easy to complete. There are also several levels in the game, and all players encourage to complete them.
On top of all these wonderful features of Age of Z Origins, it also has what might be called the best online multiplayer mode. Players can choose from several interesting challenges, each with its own set of objectives. And while you’re playing and earning experience. You’ll also earn gold, which uses in purchasing items for your character. You can purchase armor, weapons, and other things to further improve your overall experience.